Nhìn vào khác biệt trong chi tiêu giữa tuổi 20+ và 30+: giá như tôi được biết sớm hơn…

Different ages affect shopping habits: Spending habit in your 20s is often completely different from 30s. As you get older, your spending habit will gradually change because of life experience, income level, and awareness accumulated over time….

How do you usually spend in your 20s?

– First, spending habit at the age of 20, you would want to buy the whole world:

When you are young, fresh out of school, although your income is still meager, but every time you go to the supermarket, pass by the shops, you will definitely look around and crave to buy items if you haven’t had those yet. You always have a list of waiting things you want to buy in your head, and they will be added over and over again seemingly without end. You may wait until your next salary payment and then quickly rush to the supermarket/store to immediately buy supplies in extreme joy.

A short time later, you realize the items you bought are outdated and need to be replaced. And you continue buying new items. Over time, when cleaning the house, you may come across purchased items that you do not even use once…

– Second, spending habit at the age of 20, most items you buy are usually on sales:

Your eyes will seem to light up every time your favorite item is on sales, and you will rush to buy it. Even at home, you already have lots of these items, but because you are afraid of missing the sale, you will buy more to use them.

Then you find out that the items are very quickly spoiled, or expired. You throw them in a corner and don’t touch them anymore or you have to regretfully throw them away….

– Third, at the age of 20, you still have a collection of things you love:

You want to collect your favorite comics, and arrange in order on the bookshelf near the window to look at. Or you collect a lot of new stamps, coins of all kinds for yourself. Maybe it’s a collection of plastic pokemons of all kinds that look really cool, and you collect and cut out good articles that you accidentally read from newspapers….

Until, about ten years later, at the age of 30 or more, you are no longer interested in the things you bought, but only feel refreshed and peaceful if your house is empty, so that there is more space for your children to play….

Then you realize there are too many furniture in your house….

So at the age of 30, how will your spending habit be?

– Firstly, in your 30s, you will only buy what you REALLY NEED, because you don’t want your house to be a warehouse.

You consider deeply whether to buy an extra wardrobe for kids? Should you buy an extra large dining table? Or should you buy more clothes and bags/shoes for yourself….

You think a lot before you spend money, and think about whether putting them in your home will make you comfortable in the long run or if they only satisfy short-term pleasure… If the answer is not sure or no, you will not buy them no matter how beautiful or luxurious they are….

You become yearning for a room with very little furniture so you don’t have to spend much time cleaning, and when looking into it, you won’t see any excess items. This scenario may relax your mind….

– Second, you will buy what is really good quality for long term use:

You will focus more on the quality than the quantity of items you own. The item you own must be really good quality (can be used for many years), the price even does not matter anymore. You no longer watch sales as often as before, but spend time on experiences in life (travelling, reading, meditation/swimming/yoga to improve health, have fun with your children, cooking nutritious meals, family caring…) instead of going shopping just to relieve your blue mood like before.

Gradually, because the purchased items have a long time to use, your spending is not as much as it used to be… You don’t even go shopping in person anymore. Instead you order them online for shippers to deliver right to your door.

– Third, you stop buying for your collection:

It seems that your collection has become massive after many years of collecting. As a result, the interest disappears and you no longer collect them. You even… get bored with your collection and give them away.

The speed of buying things is slower than the rate of giving them away, until you see that your home is no longer too many unnecessary things, but becomes clean, neat, and functional. Because you don’t spend too much on shopping, your bank account is always full and you spend more on important things such as: for your children to study, to experience…

Those are lessons in expenditures that I have drawn from when I was young (20+) and when I was more mature (30+). I wish I knew sooner…so that I wouldn’t have to struggle a lot like I used to….

I wish you can reach financial freedom status soon….

(See my stories on Medium.com)